The Accumulator
You have a great job and substantial disposable income that have allowed you to enjoy the good life.

You have a great job and substantial disposable income that have allowed you to enjoy the good life, but you don’t know where to begin developing your financial life plan. You have the benefit of time to accumulate a sizeable nest egg, and the initial strategy is critical. You need a holistic plan that includes major financial milestones like retirement, college savings, vacation homes, and other major financial events.
What can I afford to save now, and how do I create the financial plan?
What amount do I need to save to achieve all my life plan goals? How do I structure the investment vehicles.
What if things change along the way and I want to modify the plan?
Our approach is tailored to your individual situation and needs. It starts with an in depth evaluation of your life aspirations and risk tolerance, leading to a thoughtful discussion about how to fulfill that dream through a savings plan. We then meet at least annually to review your plan and evaluate any changes to your situation. Sagace Wealth goes beyond wealth management, it is wealth leadership.